Thunder in the Attic

The torch passes ...

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The Suspense Is Killing Me

I can't take it anymore!!! Seriously!! Fellow Quill-bearers, both Keesa and Rose know that I submitted a short story for the contest held by DKA...I wrote just about all of it on the deadline day, and also edited and submitted it on the deadline day. After it was in, I could breath. But the very next day I started to become anxious. The more I find out, the more nervous I get. First, I find that I am up against 26 other I hear that there are alot of good entries....then I read the forums, and and see how nervous other people are. Not to mention, I keep hearing about all these rejections people have recieved when they have tried to publish things. That makes me question myself and my writing abilities.

As each day goes by, I lose more and more confidence over my story. I rather like it, yes; but that's me. But is it good enough? It is pretty brief. It is not all that original, and they wanted 'innovative' and 'original' entries. Is it too simple? Too this? Too that? I don't even know why I am so hyped up like this. It's just a contest. I have never gotten this way before.

But come to think of it, I have never in my life submitted one of my writings to be edited by a group of people I don't even know.

*grin* Now that observation made me smile.

Anyhow, at first the winners weren't to be announced until mid or late May. Well, it was day two and already I was dying to know the results. I am ridiculous. So I guess I need to just.....stop thinking about it? Seems easy enough...or not. But anyway, NOW they say that the winners won't be announced until....June 5th! Are they trying to kill me to at least remove ONE of the contestants?!?!?

*pant pant*

Alright, I am recovering now. Looks like I need to calm down and stop over-reacting. But I feel as though I have to borrow Tolkien's words..."I have bared my heart to be shot at." This story I wrote is close to my heart, and I am nervous about how it will be recieved.

I have now offically ended my ranting. (I think.) However it may be, I do feel better now.
