First: Where IS everybody? *severe glare* Keesa is the most busy of all of us, and yet notice who has made the majority of the posts. Casey … I suppose I can accept Casey’s absence. I know he has limited amounts of time. So does Liz. Gen … eh. Not as much excuse as the others. Mara and Lyn …
Guys. Can’t you at least COMMENT?! You don’t have to post something eloquent or even SENSIBLE every time. You can just update us on what you’ve written or meant to write this week, or something you read that you liked, or want to read, or music that inspired you … or something!
That being said. Second: I’ve been meaning to post, and haven’t, and have some excuse but not enough to really excuse myself. (Redundancy? Where?) I’ve fallen behind on everything to do with writing, from letters to stories and down the line. I’ve been debating whether to settle down to one of two or three short stories or tackle Shanlara. (Again … *sigh* Can you guys please pray for this story? I am having so much trouble, and it’s to the point I don’t feel like hammering it out anymore. I feel like I’ve completely lost touch with my characters.) Of course, this debate is procrastination … but I think I’ll end up with one of the shorts, simply so I can have something completed. Once I get into the flow of things, there are two posts I’d like to make here. The first is about an article that fits us beautifully; the other – well, let’s just say I think I’ve found our theme song. *grin*
Third: this is the main reason I’m posting. March 13-17 is spring break for me. And Liz and I had an idea -–a writer’s retreat! We want to spend at least a few days together, preferably spending the night once or twice. Part of the time would be spent at my house, part at hers. Writerly (authoritative ;) ) snacks and drinks would be in abundance, of course.
But we wouldn’t just be getting together with the intention of writing. Because, good as your intentions may be, socialization has a way of ruining them. We will have an actual schedule.
For example: Get up at ___ am and watch the sun rise. Eat a good breakfast, grab your cup of coffee, sit down and write for an hour. Go out for a morning walk – being sure to bring your notebooks for inspirational jottings – and talk. Preferably about writing related matters (and heavens, can Liz and I jabber on about them for hours!), but good conversation (or silence) of any sort is acceptable. Come back and do a bout of speed writing on anything you like – just write for about five minutes without thinking. (Perhaps writing about your walk?) Make a lunch, and go out for a picnic. Stay outdoors and write for an hour. Go online and blog about your experience on Thunder.
And so forth.
Now, I very highly doubt that anyone else has this stretch of free time during this precise week. I also doubt that we could get all our schedules to coincide so we could do it in unison. But wouldn’t be awesome if we could all do a writing retreat together? Everyone could do whatever they could manage, and we could compare experiences, and so forth. I think this would be so much fun! Let me know your thoughts.
Please. *firm glance*
Guys. Can’t you at least COMMENT?! You don’t have to post something eloquent or even SENSIBLE every time. You can just update us on what you’ve written or meant to write this week, or something you read that you liked, or want to read, or music that inspired you … or something!
That being said. Second: I’ve been meaning to post, and haven’t, and have some excuse but not enough to really excuse myself. (Redundancy? Where?) I’ve fallen behind on everything to do with writing, from letters to stories and down the line. I’ve been debating whether to settle down to one of two or three short stories or tackle Shanlara. (Again … *sigh* Can you guys please pray for this story? I am having so much trouble, and it’s to the point I don’t feel like hammering it out anymore. I feel like I’ve completely lost touch with my characters.) Of course, this debate is procrastination … but I think I’ll end up with one of the shorts, simply so I can have something completed. Once I get into the flow of things, there are two posts I’d like to make here. The first is about an article that fits us beautifully; the other – well, let’s just say I think I’ve found our theme song. *grin*
Third: this is the main reason I’m posting. March 13-17 is spring break for me. And Liz and I had an idea -–a writer’s retreat! We want to spend at least a few days together, preferably spending the night once or twice. Part of the time would be spent at my house, part at hers. Writerly (authoritative ;) ) snacks and drinks would be in abundance, of course.
But we wouldn’t just be getting together with the intention of writing. Because, good as your intentions may be, socialization has a way of ruining them. We will have an actual schedule.
For example: Get up at ___ am and watch the sun rise. Eat a good breakfast, grab your cup of coffee, sit down and write for an hour. Go out for a morning walk – being sure to bring your notebooks for inspirational jottings – and talk. Preferably about writing related matters (and heavens, can Liz and I jabber on about them for hours!), but good conversation (or silence) of any sort is acceptable. Come back and do a bout of speed writing on anything you like – just write for about five minutes without thinking. (Perhaps writing about your walk?) Make a lunch, and go out for a picnic. Stay outdoors and write for an hour. Go online and blog about your experience on Thunder.
And so forth.
Now, I very highly doubt that anyone else has this stretch of free time during this precise week. I also doubt that we could get all our schedules to coincide so we could do it in unison. But wouldn’t be awesome if we could all do a writing retreat together? Everyone could do whatever they could manage, and we could compare experiences, and so forth. I think this would be so much fun! Let me know your thoughts.
Please. *firm glance*
Hehehe. You tell 'em, Tobie!
Yes, I am inordinately busy. I also happen to believe in the Quillbearers; we've seen a void in the world, and taken up the torch (pardon me, the quill) to fill it. That's worth losing a little sleep for. :-D
With that said, I shall comment on this entry (specifically, the last bit of it) as soon as I can; getting up at 3:30 and babysitting for 10 hours doesn't really do much for the little grey cells. Probably it will be Thursday before I have computer access again, so don't hold your breath. :-D
Okay, back as promised.
I think the idea of a writing 'retreat' is a lovely one. Unfortunately, I won't have the luxury of an actual retreat, as I have to work that week, but walking, writing, and blogging, I can do. :-)
I'm in!
Yay! :D
Now if I can only get the others ro read this post ... *rolls eyes*
:grins: Well, once we're famous, they'll wish they had! ;-)
Indeed. Just wait til our nunmerous fans start streaming to this blog in vast numbers. Betcha they'll post then. ;)
:grins::pokes Gen: C'mon, post! Everybody post! Let's have a posting party!!
Gen, that comment said absolutely NOTHING about the post. *shakes head and sighs*
PARDON me, Rose. 'Gen has no excuse'. As if I have all the time in the world!! Mondays are busy for my Mom, so I am babysitting, cleaning, and somtimes cooking on top of my school schedule. Tuesdays I work long hours, and so I have to cram with school, and generally don't get back before 10 or 9 pm. Wednesdays I sometimes work too, or I am trying to catch up on the school I did not do the day before. Thurdays I have school, riding lesson, choir practice. Fridays I have school and volunteer at the barn for the day. Then I have more school when I get back. I sometimes work on Saturdays, or I do school that I did not do the day before out of time loss, and sometimes we have places to go on Sautrdays. Sundays we have church, and have to get up early, and then I like to try and do nothing. But somehow sundays are not relazing. Also, on monday nights I have kitchen duty, and then class with my Mom so she can see where I am at in my school progress.
There. Anyone not convinced that I don't have much time?
Humph. Not busy, my foot. I would LOVE to be able to post more. And write more, for that matter.
Well, at least that comment had something to do with the post. :-D
Gen. Fruz. That post did NOT in any way say that you are not busy. You quoted something I didn't say! I said: "Not as much excuse as the others." :P Others referring to Keesa and Casey, the two whom I spoke of before you.
Point being: you found a spare second of time when I said something, didn't you? ;)
No. I waited a day. *firm nod* Because I knew that if I posted, you would say that. And you did.
*taps forehead knowingly*
We think alike.
You'd think we were related or something. ;)
Seriously. Wouldn't that be crazy, though? *wink*
Crazy indeed.
Now, what did you think of the writing retreat idea?
*goes to bother Lyn on IM*
Why, I would KILL to do it! Well, not kill, I guess....*grin*
So long as you keep your killing to characters ...
It shouldn't be a problem. *grin*
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